Storm is doing great she loves birds and can't wait for me to put one
out for her to find. I use the command ( birds hunt em out) and when I tell her
this command she will immediately start hunting for birds very fast and hard
searching all over till she finds the bird, her nose is so good and she will
stay steady for quite sometime. I use a remote bird launcher on her now and when
I pop the bird up she will watch right where it flies and than chase it, I use
pigeons because I like the way they slowly fly up and allow a young dog to get a
good chance to see the bird fly this helps teach them to be able to mark a shot
and fallen bird and also trains them to keep there eyes on the
Storm also loves the water now and will go right in with me when I
have chest waiters on she just follows me in the water. She is also a very fast
swimmer, she has one speed and it is fast gear on everything she

Storm is very obedient and a fast learner, she will kennel up on
command, comes on command to voice or whistle, heels on leash, is quite when
tied out on a lead and I am getting her meal ready, good in the car when crated
up. Very nice dog and I am so happy to be her owner.